
How to Help a Child Feel Loved and Accepted: A Parents’ Guide


Children require a lot of things to thrive: healthy food, plenty of physical activity, and lots of mental stimulation. But first and foremost, they need your love, attention, and understanding. Feeling seen is one of the most important parts of growing up healthy and happy. Parents’ acceptance helps kids gain confidence and feel more self-assured. Such children have a strong anchor in life, which gives them an excellent foundation for the future.

While it goes without saying that you adore your children to bits, how do you express your love the right way? How can you show them that you accept them for what they are? Keep reading for some tips and be the best parent you can be.

What You Can Do to Help Your Child Feel Loved - Focus on the Family

1. Give them your undivided attention.

Children need their parents’ attention at every age. While they’re little, they’ll want to share their small achievements and big dreams with you. No matter how busy you are with work or other errands, stop what you’re doing and pay attention to what they have to say. If the topic doesn’t really interest you, at least make an effort. You may not be crazy about dinosaurs the same way as your tiny tot is, but look at it as a unique expression of their character and enjoy this wonderful phase before they grow out of it. However, don’t fake enthusiasm as children are quick to see through this.

Even as they grow more independent, they will want you to listen and care. Adult children may not need their parents’ support and approval as much as they used to, but they’ll still want to share and bond with you. Make sure you always find time for them and fit family time in your busy schedule.

2. Be openly affectionate.

While different people speak different love languages, what most of us have in common is our need for touch. Hug and kiss your child to show them your love in a tangible way. Very young kids love getting huge bear hugs where they can feel comfortable and sheltered. This type of gentle, warm physical affection will reaffirm their trust in you. It’ll also set a positive, healthy example for them. Teenagers, on the other hand, may be too embarrassed to get pecks on the cheek from mom out in public. To them, image is everything, and being a baby is not on trend. However, they still crave a genuine connection. Just be careful to show your affection in private.

3. Praise them for their achievements.

Children look to you for feedback and approval, especially when they’re little. They strive to make you proud and knowing that they’ve put a smile on your face means the world to them. When you show them how much you appreciate their effort, it’ll make them beam with confidence.

Parents want the best for their kids and, naturally, this also means wanting them to excel at school, sports, and other pursuits. However, be careful not to send them the message that they’ll only have your love if they succeed. Be by their side even if they’ve failed and let them know that you’re still proud of the person they are.

4. Create unique rituals together.

Have some time just for the two of you. Whether you’ll be baking cookies, watching movies, or having fun at a local trampoline playground, it’s important for you to create memories that the child will cherish forever. These experiences will be the foundation of their future sense of self and something they will aim to recreate in their own families one day. Sharing moments that belong only to the child and the parent will strengthen your bond.

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